Portrait & Headshot Photographer • Plymouth, New Hampshire
Paige in Paris

Paige came along to share a portrait session with her friend Amanda in Paris.  Paige, who is from Florida, originally went to Paris to work as an au pair, which is how the friends met.  She decided to stay, and now she works as a fitness coach. Paige loves to travel.  She recently spent time

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Amanda in Paris

Amanda is from Indiana. She originally went to Paris to work as an au pair.  She decided to stay, and now she teaches English there.  She is also an actress and a writer.  The same afternoon as her photo shoot, she auditioned for a role in the play Steel Magnolias.  It opens in February and she

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Life’s Work in Paris Call for Subjects in Montmartre, September 24-25

On Monday & Tuesday afternoons, September 24-25, I’ll be photographing people in Paris (Montmartre) for my personal portrait project, “Life’s Work.” I’m looking for workers in their work clothes: a tattoo artist, delivery driver, waiter, soldier, sommelier, or any worker whose look is identifiable with a trade. If you will be in Montmartre, or you know someone there

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