Nine Highlights and Nine Best-Loved Instagram Images of the Year
As 2020 comes to an end I want to thank all of you for being here. This has been of year hard work, persistence, risk-taking, facing adversity, activism, innovation, and growth. Despite a 3-month shutdown with lots of ups and downs, I was able to adapt and stay creative. My nine highlights this year:
- I served dozens of portrait and headshot clients
- taught an amazing group of students in my photo courses
- completed two big personal photographic projects (Protest Portraits and Social Distancing: Images of a Small Town)
- introduced a new way of photographing people (One World Portraits)
- exhibited 17 times (2020 Exhibitions)
- won awards, including First Place in a juried national exhibit
- received a grant from the NH State Council on the Arts
- learned wet plate collodion (tintype) photography
- and added a tintype studio to my existing studio.
I’m ever grateful for all of my followers, clients, friends and family. Here are my most popular Instagram images of the year.

- Cell phone pic of the first exhibit of Protest Portraits on the Plymouth, NH town common outside my studio
- A peek at my new tintype studio with my antique camera and lens, and the darkroom vault in the background
- Behind the scenes collage of the first installation of Protest Portraits, Plymouth town common
- The announcement collage – the Protest Portraits exhibit was going to the NH Statehouse
- 2015 photo of NH’s new Artist Laureate, Amanda Whitworth
- Self-portrait at the beginning of the pandemic shutdown
- Dancer Ashley Meeken in blue voile
- In-camera double exposure portrait of photographer Susan Walker
- Black and white photo of dancer Ashley Meeken
Wishing you all happy holidays and a happy, healthy, and less weird New Year!