Portrait & Headshot Photographer • Plymouth, New Hampshire

Tintype Studio Updates

“And now let us welcome the New Year, full of things that have never been.” -Rainer Maria Rilke

Happy New Year! I’ve spent a lot of time lately working on portraits in my newest room, the tintype studio and vault darkroom. I have a system in place to make 4×5 and 5×7 tintype plates. Next I will be working with 8×10 plates.

Thank you to friends and family who have been sitting for me, and to Gary Samson, whose experience is invaluable. He is always generous with his time as I work toward perfecting this historic photographic technique.

COVD-19 is still a big factor for us all. I have extra safety measures in place in the studio, with careful scheduling. I’ll continue to advance my tintype portrait work and I hope to welcome you soon!

If you’re interested in a portrait experience, headshots, or a tintype portrait, please email me: maundy@maundymitchell.com.