This Mother’s Day, treat YOURSELF to the ultimate Mother’s Day gift. Book a Portrait Experience for this summer or fall. How long has it been since there was a portrait of you that you loved? With the people you love?

I’m talking to the mothers and grandmothers reading this — the ones who almost never exist in beautiful portraits because you are always behind the camera. Or hiding from it because you don’t feel you’re perfect. Maybe you’re never in the family photos because at family gatherings you’re too busy taking care of everyone to stop and be in a picture.

I hear from so many women that there are decades where they do not exist in photos at all. You can change the future by deciding now. Get in the Picture. This Mother’s Day, book a Portrait Experience. You’ll be glad you did — and so will everyone who loves you.

The Portrait Experience is a luxurious and truly special event–one that you will look forward to, enjoy, and always remember. The result is a portrait collection to cherish. Learn more here: The Portrait Experience

Mother’s Day 2024 is Sunday, May 12. Please email me ( to schedule a consultation for yourself, or with your children, or grandchildren. Book the ultimate Mother’s Day gift. I’d love to see you.