This is Part II of a personal project. On June 14, I opened my studio to people who were protesting on the town common in front of my building in Plymouth, New Hampshire. You can see Part I HERE.
I asked each person “Why do you protest?”
“I want to be part of the solution. At home, I watched the protests in L.A., D.C., and Seattle. I’m encouraged that we have the opportunity locally to join in the same kind of protest that brought millions of people to the steps of the nation’s capitol with Dr. King.” – Francois

“I believe that every single person matters. Our system targets people of color. I want that to change.” – Sydney

“I’m the Director of Music for a local church. Some young people from my church invited me to protest. I played march rally music.” -Sarah Dan

“I’m here to listen and to learn. I’m here to show support for an equitable future.” – Michael

“I’m here to support my friends.” – Cailynn

“I protest because it is my responsibility to leave the world better than I found it. Lifting my voice and using my privilege, in opposition to systemic and institutional racism, is the very least I can do towards that goal. For me, silence equals complicity about violence against my fellow humans.” – Sarah

“As a white person and a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I have [been discriminated against]. I want to help those who’ve also experienced this, and seek change for everyone.” – Connor

“I’m here to try to help make a change.” – Mia

“We need to end racism once and for all.” – Jade