Portrait & Headshot Photographer • Plymouth, New Hampshire

Life’s Work, Part XI

Across the street from my makeshift Paris studio, I found a beautiful boutique called Lab 30. My friends Christina and Hilde and I went in. I found a dress I loved and when I tried it on, I knew I would buy it. Still, I wanted to come out of the dressing room to show Christina & Hilde. They agreed I should have it, and the woman who was working at the boutique asked me to wait right there. She went to the basement and returned with a tall man.  He was wearing all black, and he had a measuring tape around his neck. “This is Laurent Yaanbath,” she said. “He is the designer of your dress.”


If you have been following my blog posts, you know exactly what I was thinking!


Christina interpreted as I told him about my project “Life’s Work,” showed him some of the portraits on my phone, and asked if he would be interested in having his portrait taken. He agreed.

Laurent carried my dress to the studio.  Thanks to Hilde van der Sterren for these behind-the-scenes photos. I love how they show a little of the charming Montmartre neighborhood.

Laurent, créateur de mode (fashion designer), Paris

In my studio, wearing my Yaanbath dress, made by Laurent.

You can see Parts I-X here: https://maundymitchell.com/lifes-work/