Portrait & Headshot Photographer • Plymouth, New Hampshire

Jacquelyn & Edward’s Library Engagement Photo Session

library kiss


Jacquelyn and Edward met and fell in love in Minnesota, where they lived in the same apartment building. They discovered they had the same last name when they kept getting each other’s mail.







rare book room B&W Pease Public Library was the perfect place for their engagement photo shoot because Jacquelyn is a librarian, and Edward is an author (Mesmer’s Disciple). (If you’ve read his book and are dying for more—I got the inside scoop: he’s working on a sequel).






shoes - webwedding bands on bookTheir photo shoot began with Jacquelyn’s dress hanging in the library’s big window, (I can’t share this photo—the gorgeous dress will be a wedding day surprise. We even made Edward hide in the children’s room for this part!).

Next, I photographed the shoes and rings.









couple on porch








Last, the couple enjoyed the library’s beautiful porch, overlooking charming downtown Plymouth, New Hampshire.



Many thanks to the staff of Pease Public Library for their assistance, patience, and enthusiasm.