I could listen to Niki talk all day. It’s not just her Australian accent (which is wonderful). It’s how she talks about all the things she is passionate about. She’s a theatre-maker and feminist writer. She’s an advocate for women, and for justice. She’s a helper.
Dr. Niki Tulk is an ex-pat Australian, and experimental theatre-maker, improviser, writer, poet, and author of Performing the Wound: Practicing a Feminist Theatre of Becoming (Routledge, 2022). Her latest book is titled O. It’s a books of poems exploring the aftermath of sexual assault, unearthing myths, folklore, and profound truths about our collective history of violence, womanhood, and justice. O is due out next month by Driftwood Press. You can preorder it HERE.

Niki lives with her family and rescue dog in the White Mountains, New Hampshire, where she is also a professor of theatre at Plymouth State University.