Portrait & Headshot Photographer • Plymouth, New Hampshire

Extraordinary: the Over 50 Revolution – Emilie

When asked why she wanted to participate in Extraordinary: the Over 50 Revolution, Emilie said, “I wanted to see myself through the eyes of an artist. As women age in our society we become invisible. I heard about Maundy’s [campaign] and it seemed like a great way to become visible again, even if only in my own eyes.” 

Two behind the scenes photos from Emilie's portrait session for Extraordinary: the Over 50 Revolution - hair and makeup by Donna Cotnoir
Hair & makeup by Donna Cotnoir

Emilie sees opportunity in being over the age of 50. “We can be free of the traps of standard beauty expectations. Leaving the possibility of childbearing, we can reclaim our creative energy and learn new ways to live in our aging skin.”

“I have put my own well being ahead for the first time in my life. I am healthier than I’ve ever been because I prioritize exercise and diet in a new, body positive way. I left a toxic job right before I turned 50 and have had to reacquaint with myself because that job had been a huge part of my identity.” 

Growing up, Emilie’s mother was her main role model. She was “a trailblazer and taught me that I was as worthy as any man.” Emilie also paid attention to artists such as Joni Mitchell, Judy Chicago, Georgia O’Keefe, Joan Baez, Nina Simone- and loved their strength and determination to be seen.

A portrait of Emilie with her arms over head, for Extraordinary: the Over 50 Revolution

 The advice Emile would give to women who are younger than her is this: “Life is short, but it is wide. Don’t wait to take those chances. Cultivate areas of your life that bring you joy.” 

Emilie works with teens. She hopes that the work she does helps a few find healing. She hopes that she helps them feel seen and valued. 

A portrait of Emilie wearing a red silk gown for her portrait session for Extraordinary: the Over 50 Revolution.
A 5-star Google Business Review from Emilie for her portrait session for Extraordinary: the Over 50 Revolution

Join the Over 50 Revolution!

Book your portrait experience in 2023. If you are a woman over the age of fifty, “the Over 50 Revolution” is for you. It’s for everyone who loves you and for other women of all ages, to show them that they are worthy, too. I hope you’ll join me in this luxurious and empowering experience.  You can find out more HERE