When I first talked with Georgia about The Over 50 Revolution, she had some apprehension about being photographed. She has always loved photography, especially portraits. But she had never considered being photographed herself.

She said, “I had never liked nor considered being on ‘that side’ of a camera.” Like most women over 50, Georgia did not believe it was possible for her to love photos of herself. She believed she was “un-photogenic.”

But she said, “Maundy’s work delights me. Her images often make me gasp! Each one captures a soulful essence of its subject and I wanted to learn that. I wanted to experience the kind of creativity that makes for extraordinary portraits.”

Georgia said The Over 50 Revolution experience sparked her own creativity.

Participating in The Over 50 Revolution changed Georgia’s mind about the possibility of existing in beautiful photos. Now she understands that she was “photogenic” all along – she only had to decide to do it.

Exist in Beautiful Portraits. Book Your Portrait Experience for The Over 50 Revolution 2024!
It’s time for you to exist in beautiful portraits. If you are a woman over the age of fifty, The Over 50 Revolution is for you. I hope you’ll join me in this luxurious and empowering experience. You can learn more HERE.