Please meet April. She is a career martial artist with special emphases, and is also a practicing ninja.
April originally trained in Okinawan Shorin-ryu Karate. More recently, she was recruited by a secretive dojo whose rules prevent her from naming it.
The principles of Shorin-ryu are codified in what is called the dojo kun. This kun includes core principals which include striving for the perfection of character, defending the path of truth; guarding against impetuous courage, honoring the principles of etiquette, and fostering the spirit of effort.
April’s most recent dojo has an even more rigorous kun. These kun principles include striving to be neither seen nor heard; covert assistance to those in need; defending the path of camouflage; finding the link between obscurity and humility; and guarding against prideful displays of visibility.
April, Ninja, Plymouth, NH