Sharon decided to book a portrait session for Extraordinary: the Over 50 Revolution because she wanted beautiful portraits to mark this time in her life. She also hoped to be an example, perhaps even an inspiration for women over 50 to embrace aging, “to honor themselves as vessels of wisdom and power.” She said, “I am proud to be a woman over 80 and still enjoying life.”

“I believe women over 50 are just hitting their prime years. They have so much to offer to the world and I hope they are aware of their incredible potential. I appreciate and admire the supportive and inspiring women that I surround myself with today.”

When she was younger, Sharon focused on the needs of her family and considered her own needs last. But today she’s better at practicing self-care. “Self-care helps me to be the best version of myself and keeps me positive. One of my favorite activities that I do for myself is walking my dog in the beautiful countryside of New Hampshire.”

Growing up, Sharon’s mother was one of her role models. “She was a strong woman and a loving mother to me and my brothers. Also, my step-grandmother was incredibly loving and accepting. She was as kind to me as she was to her birth grandchildren. She was also a fabulous baker of all things delicious.”

“The most important lesson I have learned living this life is to practice gratitude, and to realize that there is always something to be grateful for. I am especially grateful for my husband of 60 years, my four children, five grandchildren, and my Circle Program mentee, who brings a sparkle to my life.”
Sharon’s husband, Doug, joined her at the end of her portrait session, because it had been a very long time since they had portraits together.

When asked what effect she hopes to have on the world, Sharon referred to her long career as a nurse. She said, “My desire to become a nurse was to show kindness and compassion to those in need, and I hope I have accomplished that goal.” She also has a passion for doing what she can to correct climate change, and animal welfare also a concern for her. “I have rescued and loved many animals.”

Book Your Portrait Experience for The Over 50 Revolution 2024!
If you are a woman over the age of fifty, “The Over 50 Revolution” is for you. It’s for you to exist in beautiful portraits, for yourself and for everyone who loves you. You can also help change the perception of women over 50 in our society by sharing your images and your words. I hope you’ll join me in this luxurious and empowering experience. You can learn more HERE.