Why did you want to participate in Unforgettable: the Over 50 Revolution?
“Women over 50 are generally in a transitional phase of their lives and I’m no different. For me, 50 began a decade of radical changes in my life and in my world view. My physical being can be captured in snapshots, but these don’t tell a story about me. This was an opportunity to be portrayed in a way unique to me, also as seen by someone else, and to capture this part of my life when I’ve never been happier.”

What are your thoughts about women over 50?
“It’s a good time to become more open, less shackled by responsibility and to be more free for things like creative, physical, and spiritual growth and change.”

How have you changed since you turned 50?
“Many of the ways I’ve changed personally have been out of necessity and survival. I refuse to be disappointed by other people or unfortunate circumstances in my life. I’m committed to living the life that I want and am proudly able to create that for myself.”

Growing up, did you have any women role models?
“A very long list! My grandmother, who started a new career at the age of 50 after my grandfather died, is the most important one. I also had a mom, two aunts, several surrogate moms, and one professional mentor who nurtured me and provided examples – positive and negative – that have greatly influenced me.”

What advice would you give to women who are younger than you?
“Life is meant to be fun, joyous, and fulfilling. Don’t let yourself get lost in responsibility, and things that others expect of you. Things don’t ‘happen for a reason’. Things just happen, and it’s our responsibility as thinking and feeling individuals to give these events (things) meaning.”

What effect would you like to have on the world?
“I’ve been lucky enough to be able to measure the positive impact of some of the professional work I’ve done, which is very rewarding. I hope that the way I’ve led my life has been a decent example for others, and that I’ll be remembered as someone who did her best.”
Join the Waiting List for a 2023 Booking!
If you are a woman over 50, “the Over 50 Revolution” is for you. It’s for everyone who loves you, and for other women of all ages, to show them that they are worthy, too. I hope you’ll join me in this revolutionary experience. You can find out more HERE.
“I had such a great time during my shoot – you made it the perfect combination of professional and intimate for this introvert who doesn’t think she’s photogenic. I’m blown away by the portraits and can’t wait for my friends and family to see them.” – Lisa