Why did you want to participate in the Extraordinary: the Over 50 Revolution?
“Because I’m proud to be where I am in life. Being over 60 is just a number to me and I want to share with other women that this is a beautiful time in your life to embrace.”

What are your thoughts about women over 50?
“As a hairstylist, I believe there are no rules about what defines beauty. I believe each age has its own beauty, regardless of the number.”

How have you changed since you turned 50?
“I no longer sweat any of the small things. I’m very comfortable in my own skin.”

Growing up, did you have any women role models?
“My mother was my role model. She never put herself down or fussed over how she looked or what she was wearing. She seemed very confident about her image. That is something that carried over to me. I work with women everyday and a large majority of them have not-so-nice things to say about their aging looks. I always remind them that they are beautiful. “

What advice would you give to women who are younger than you?
“Stop picking yourself apart. Accept who you are. Celebrate you and if you don’t like something about yourself, stop looking at it in the mirror and complaining about it.”

What effect would you like to have on the world?
“The effect I would like to have on the world is to help women understand that it’s a good thing to get older. Every one of us is going to age. The 20 & 30 year olds are all going to be old, too. Nobody is exempt. I want every woman to embrace [herself] right where she is in her life.”

Book Your Portrait Experience in 2023!
If you are a woman over the age of fifty, “the Over 50 Revolution” is for you. It’s for everyone who loves you and for other women of all ages, to show them that they are worthy, too. I hope you’ll join me in this luxurious and empowering experience. You can find out more HERE.